Wednesday, 25 June 2014

Hemming & Hawing

I've been hemming and hawing about writing a blog for sometime now. Quite honestly, its been a difficult process - mostly for my niece who has been listening to said hemming and hawing with grace and providing encouragement. (You can find her blog here)

I've been trying to think of why its been such a decision.  I've come up with a variety of ideas, my most creative being that I was born before the "internet social media share stuff" time and it was not done. One does not share one's opinions with the world. This, of course, is utter baloney being that I use all the rest of the social medias.  Still, kudos for creativity on that one.

Another was that I had to publish.  On schedule.  On a topic that I'm an expert in.  Ya, no.  Those too went out with the bath water.  Will I publish regularly? Most probably, I'm like that.  Am I an expert? I guess that completely depends on your point of view.  I'm a wife, mother, sister, daughter, aunt, friend and countless other labels.  Doesn't make me an expert.  Doesn't make me wise either.  What all of that qualifies me for is what it qualifies everyone for: life.  Yes, I'm wiser than I was, but that comes from living.  One learns things whilst doing that "living" thing.  You can't help it really.  It just happens.  Well, for most people it does...eventually.  Hopefully.

I ran out of self made rules as to why I shouldn't write and the why I should side won the battle.  So here I am, with a million ideas...well, at least 5.  A million was probably a slight exaggeration of my creative abilities.  

I think I'm off to a good start.

This post was written in June 2014 and accidentally deleted, then reposted

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