Thursday, 26 June 2014

Little Things & Mindful Living

The title for this blog came to me one morning while I was grinding my coffee.  

The house was quiet except for the cat snoring, which is an oddly calming sound.  How can you not smile when you hear that sound?

Anyway, quiet house, snoring cat, sun streaming in the windows with the promise of a lovely day and the smell of fresh coffee filling the air around me.  I was filled with such peace, appreciation, and gratitude.  I just thought "sometimes, it's the little things".  These little mundane things that make up special moments in our days.  We get so caught up sometimes in the flurry of events that these moments can get lost and we forget that each one counts. 

I don't think we were always like this, but maybe we were.  Humans are complex beings. I just have to wonder that as our world has gotten smaller and we have gotten busier,  that we gradually forgot how to just be in "neutral". I say gradually because gradual change isn't always noticed. 

I'm trying to carve out mindful moments every day though.  The ritual of making my morning coffee are some of mine. Its working, but its a work in progress. Hopefully the more I do it, the more those moments will become habitually mindful, if there is such a thing.  If there isn't, I'm inventing it right now...habitually mindful.

Called it.  Stamped it.  No Erasies.

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