Saturday, 12 July 2014

Thunder Moon 2014

I like the Thunder moon name for July.  That name appeals to me. I don't know what it is about this full moon though.  There are those that say the moon's waxing and waning doesn't affect us.  I totally believe differently.  Now, maybe its the connection I feel personally that "creates" this energy.  Maybe its my belief in the powers all around us that makes me more sensitive to the moon's dance across our skies.  

I couldn't keep my mind on anything I was doing or had to do yesterday.  It literally took me hours to read 30-40 pages.  I kept getting distracted by the energy I was feeling and before I'd realize, I was climbing aboard another thought train...Toot! Toot! Swirling, crazy, joyful energy surrounded me all day.

Last night as the sun set and I began to see the moon in the sky, I set some water out to charge and put the crystals on the window sill.  I went outside to sit quietly in the moonlight.  The only thing that could have made that better would have been if I could have had a fire going.  There was a bit of a chill in the air.

This morning as I type this, I'm sitting outside having
a cuppa and watching the squirrels race through the trees, chasing each other back and forth in what seems like a never ending game of tag.  The birds are singing loudly.  Its beautiful, but I need my slippers and a sweater - its still chilly.  Unfortunately the sounds of the city waking are starting to encroach.

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